Tuesday, September 22, 2015

I'm okay with change

This week in yoga we are discussing change.  Students are talking about what makes change hard or easy for them.  We learned that some changes are easier to deal with than others, but our yoga practice can help us through any change.

We changed things up in our practice this week.  We'll be doing a practice full of twists so that we can see things in a slightly different perspective.  We will also be learning a new meditation called "sa ta na ma", loosely defined as "I'm okay with change". 

Students who are missing assignments, days in class or the vocabulary quiz are asked to come to V118 during conference on Mondays and Wednesdays.  The time is running short this quarter to make up missing work.

Please remember to take photos of yourself doing yoga when you travel.  I'll be putting those photos in our new display outside of V118.